“Invest in your future”
Instructor Raffle – Need one-on-one guidance with your website? Have specific business questions? Want unique guidance customized to your artistic needs? Win private time with the instructor of your choice!
Sponsored Jam Nights – all jam nights will have free-for-all painting and ballooning, but check out our featured nights with organized theme games and lessons!
Journey Through Time Face Painting Challenge – Held on Tuesday challenge your skills and paint to the theme, a panel of art lovers will admire your passion, prizes to be won for first, second and third place – the winner will be announced in the Night Jam immediately following the judging. This is open to all skill levels! Don’t be scared, take this opportunity to get some great professional photographs of YOUR finest work and add it to your porfolio!
Open Theme Instructor-Student Body Painting Challenge – Never tried body painting before? This is the perfect opportunity to learn to paint and paint with a master for 5 hours! Artists up for the Challenge will be randomly selected and paired with one of our instructors. Prizes for first, second and third – and the biggest prize of all is the experience you will gain and the professional photos at the end for your portfolio!