Many of our Vendors are also very talented artists; in that spirit we are creating a Vendor Room Treasure Hunt in efforts to bring both FPBA attendees and vendors closer together.
Treasure Hunt Prize: Gift bag with face and body art related items valued at $300
How to Win:
Attendee that collects the most tokens wins! Please look at the schedule to familiarize yourself with when each vendor is participating in the Treasure Hunt.
Treasure Hunt Rules:
- Each vendor over the course of the event will have a highlighted time slot that their table will be participating in the treasure hunt.
- To play, attendees will have to collect tokens from each vendor.
- To earn a token the attendee must ask the vendor about one of their products.
- If the attendee buys a product of any value during your highlighted hour then can earn one additional token!
- Attendees will have to write their name on the card and also a brief description of what they learned or bought.
- The ability to collect tokens will end on Wednesday when the jam and vendor rooms close.
- The attendee with the most tokens will be the winner, and will be announced during the dinner at the banquet.
- Vendors will only give out tokens during their scheduled time.
In the event of a tie, we will put all the labeled tokens from the attendees in a hat and draw a winner!
Good Luck and Have Fun!
Vendor Room Treasure hunt Schedule